
dinsdag 27 mei 2014

EVENT: I love Fashion Bloggers Q&A

picture credit I love Fashion Bloggers

Last week I stayed home from work with the flu. The upside was some extra free time, the downside is that I'm not the kind of person who likes spending all day inside my house. I was so glad when it was finally Saturday and I could finally leave the house.

picture credit I love Fashion Bloggers

About two months ago I attended the Blogger Class Event from Yara Michel. This was such a positive experience so when I heard about the I love Fashion Bloggers Q&A, I just felt like: "I have to be there." During the Blogger Class Event I met some really nice Dutch bloggers and luckily Dutch people are a bit more spontaneous and open than Belgians so it was really easy to start conversations with other bloggers.

Great view from the terrace

In Utrecht I met up with Kevin and Esmeralda and together we traveled to Rotterdam. The event took place in the superb hotel NHow. I just spend the afternoon there but I'm quite sure you'll have a marvelous time spending a night there.

Esmeralda, me and Kevin

At 13h30 we were welcomed with some drinks and bites, read macarons and small cupcakes. At 2 P.M. the Q&A started. This event was organized by I love Fashion Bloggers and served as an inspirational and informative afternoon for newbie bloggers like myself. The organizers gathered three very experienced fashion addicts: Yara Michel from Chapter Friday, Instagram queen Negin Mirsalehi and Linda Tol.

Doesn't this look delicious?

I was so excited to meet these lovely ladies. Of course I had met Yara before but I couldn't wait to see the others in person. Negin Mirsalehi always looks so amazing in her pictures. Now I don't want to make you jealous but she even looks more incredible in real life.

picture credit I love Fashion Bloggers

The Q&A was really inspiring, blogging all comes down to working hard and going the extra mile. Of course I already knew that. Personally I have a hard time with finding a balance between my blog, my daily job and my personal life but I hope that time brings solace.

Negin, me (I still look so ill in this picture), Yara and Linda

Afterwards we had the opportunity to do some networking. I had a lovely time discovering new brands and bloggers. Some representatives from SenangaLoavies and DL 1961 told us more about their services. I hope I can soon introduce some new cooperations to you.

Drinks at the bar

The networking took place in the bar of the hotel with a terrace which had a great view on the Erasmus bridge. I really love this "Big City Life" vibe and I can't wait to get away from my small farmer's town as much as possible. We also got the chance to meet Yara, Negin and Linda and take pictures with them. This was of course an once in lifetime opportunity.

The Erasmus bridge

I want to thank I love Fashion Bloggers for organizing this event, NHow Rotterdam for the great location and the three ladies for sharing their tips with us. Tomorrow you'll get more details on my outfit in a full post.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Ahhw Nice post! heel leuk om te lezen hoe jij het hebt beleefd :) Nice to meet you girl ;)

    X Lily

  2. Oh leuk Karen! Ziet er inderdaad erg tof uit!

    Xx Femke

  3. Super leuk!!! ben benieuwd naar je outfit ;-)xx
